Colour Machine

This work is in some way the continuation or evolution of the work developed in the installation Constructive Interference-Destructive Interference.
The work consists of a keyboard with seven notes and a transparent box containing various electronic devices at the base, and a structure with water at the top.

The box works as an interactive device where the presence of two people becomes necessary. One of them can intervene in the box through the keyboard keys, thus altering the emitted color.
Right in front of a proximity sensor, placed on the side of the box, varies, in relation to the distance at which the second person is, the intensity of a speaker that causes undulating patterns on the surface of the water, according to the principles of cymatica.

The results are the shapes projected by light as they are distorted and refracted in the passage of water, thus making visible the interaction of our presence with the reality shaped by anyone else.

Public interacting with the Colour Machine, I promise you... exhibition, Apiary Studios, Hackney, London, 2020.