The Wasteland Project: Nomadic Roots

Public interacting with the video-installation at the exhibition Virtual Ground.Safehouse 2,Peckham, London, 2021.

Interactive video-installation in which the videos projected are modified when interacting with local plants. Gently touching the leaves of these plants the videos alternate different scenes and produce different effects on the images. The work seeks to configure the portrait of a territory by reflecting how we interact with its ecosystem.

This piece corresponds to the intervention in the Maidan Lane Reservoir (Tuffnell Park). The images documents the daily life of different members of a nearby community: birds, trees, humans, foxes. The interaction with the local weeds alters the representation of this space. The public is invited to configure their own representation, exploring the different ways of inhabiting a territory. The work seeks to challenge our idea of territory portraying other realities and other ways of living that remain hidden until we decide to interact with them.

This work is part of The wasteland project. In these project I intervene abandoned urban lands involving the local community and institutions in the recovery of the original ecosystem of these lands. Researching about the local history, heritage and biodiversity I develop outdoor video-installations.